Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Posted by zara On 11:30 PM

When you are together with that special someone, 
you pretend to ignore that person. 
But when that special someone is not around, 
you might look around to find them.
At that moment, you are in love.

Although there is someone else who always makes you laugh,
your eyes and attention might go only to that special someone.
Then, you are in love.

Although that special someone was supposed 
to have called you long back, 
to let you know of their safe arrival,
your phone is quiet.
You are desperately waiting for the call!
At that moment, you are in love.

If you are much more excited for one short e-mail from
that special someone than other many long e-mails,
you are in love.

When you find yourself as one who cannot erase all the
messages in your answering machine because of one message
from that special someone, you are in love.

When you get a couple of free movie tickets, you would
not hesitate to think of that special someone.
Then, you are in love.

You keep telling yourself, "that special someone is just a friend", 
but you realize that you can not avoid that person's special attraction. 
At that moment, you are in love.
While you are reading this page, if someone
appears in your mind,
then u are in love with that person...

Friday, January 4, 2008

Posted by zara On 6:09 PM
    Gambar sekadar hiasan


kat sini nak share ilmu sket.. Jika ada di kalangan anak2 kita yang liar terutama remaja.. amalkan ayat dibawah ini untuk melembutkan hati mereka.. jika boleh, amalkan dari mereka kecil supaya mudah dibentuk apabila meningkat dewasa kelak.. insyaAllah....

  1. Istighfar - 1 kali
  2. Mengucap 2 kalimah syahadah- 1 kali
  3. Al-fatihah - 1 kali
  4. Tasbih Nabi Yunus - 1 kali
  5. Surah Al-Ikhlas - 1 kali
  6. Tasbih Nabi Yunus - 1 kali
  7. Surah Al-Falaq - 1 kali
  8. Tasbih Nabi Yunus - 1 kali
  9. Surah An-Nas - 1 kali
  10. Tasbih Nabi Yunus - 1 kali
  11. Ayat Kursi (pada ayat WALA YAU'UDUHU HIFZUHUMA - ulang 7X)
  12. Tasbih Nabi Yunus - 1 kali
  13. Surah Yassin Ayat 1-9 (ulang 7X)
  14. Tasbih Nabi Yunus - 1 kali
  15. Bismillah 7 - 1 kali

Amalkan selalu.. insyaAllah.. yakinlah dengan ayat2 Allah...